Now offering Meditation Mini-Retreats
What is Primordial Sound Meditation?
Primordial Sound Meditation (PSM) or Mantra Meditation, is a powerful, yet simple meditation technique rooted in the Vedic tradition of India. It is a healing practice that allows you to experience inner calm and deep relaxation quickly and effortlessly using a personalized mantra. For thousands of years, people have used meditation to move beyond the mind’s busy activity and emotional turbulence into profound peace and expanded awareness. We teach you how to tap into this ancient tradition so that you can gain a sense of purpose, increased self-love, greater self-trust, and openness toward others and the world.
It is not…
A religion
Difficult to do
Trying to forget your thoughts
A dietary restriction
A substitute for medical advice or attention when needed
Giving up life’s pleasures and fun
Isolation from family and friends
An exercise or activity that requires a lot of time and effort
Only for monks or renunciants
It is…
A spiritual practice
Simple and easy
Known to reduce stress
Calming the mind
Based on natural vibrations and sound
Mantra based (a silent repetition of sound)
Thousands of years old
A technique that can be practiced individually and with a group
An invitation to experience something greater
What is the difference between Vedic Meditation and Primordial Sound Meditation?
Primordial Sound Meditation is a Vedic meditation technique, the difference is the mantra. In Primordial Sound Meditation you are given a mantra that is very personal and based on your birth date, time, and place. It is the personalized mantra that makes this meditation technique unique. However, both techniques can be effective. The most direct way to experience inner silence and well-being is meditation, a tool to rediscover the body's own inner essence. As scientific research reveals, when you find the meditation technique that is right for you and practice it, your breathing slows, blood pressure decreases, and stress hormone levels fall. The result is inner calm during meditation and in your everyday life.
Meditation isn’t about forcing your mind to be quiet; it’s about experiencing the silence that's already there and making it a part of your life. Silence is the birthplace of happiness, creativity, and infinite possibilities. From this field of pure potentiality, we get our bursts of inspiration, our most intuitive thoughts, and our deepest sense of connection to the universe. Practicing meditation on a daily basis allows you to weave silence and stillness into your mind and body to create a life of greater compassion and fulfillment. Even when your mind is filled with agitated thoughts, you still have access to the inner stillness and calm that always lies beneath the choppy surface of thought and emotion. Let us teach you how to access this space we call your inner essence.
Still Have Questions?
Primordial Sound Meditation Course
A Journey to Your Inner Essence
01 — Introduction to Primordial Sound Meditation
1-2 hour Group meeting*
Presentation of core introductory material
Student questions
Information for personal instruction
Schedule of personal instruction appointment times for students
02 — Personal Instruction Ceremony
30-minute personal meditation instruction
30-minute meditation
03 — Perfecting the Practice
2-hour meeting
Presentation of the class points
Student questions
30-minute meditation
04 — Higher States of Consciousness
2-hour group meeting
Presentation of the class points
Student questions
30-minute group meditation
Discussion of next steps and follow-up programs
10% off merchandise in our Gift Shop
10% off Workshops ($45+)
*Your Primordial Sound Meditation Course may include up to 8 people. Private sessions are available for an extra fee upon request.
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